Democrats question why Ocasio-Cortez is looked at as future of party

Seriously? It’s skin deep. She’s a beautiful, young, Hispanic woman. And it doesn’t matter that she has the intellect of a pet rock. 

They tried to do the same with Paulette Jordan in Idaho (we wouldn’t buy into it). 

It’s a very pragmatic, winnable approach. 

Many have called out Ocasio-Cortez, who describes herself as a Democrat-Socialist, by claiming her ideas are far-reaching and by saying she will never be able to get support behind her ideas. McCaskill appears to echo those sentiments.

“But I hope she (Ocasio-Cortez) also realizes that parts of the country that are rejecting the Democratic Party, like a whole lot of white, working class voters, need to hear about how their works is going to be respected and the dignity of their jobs, and how we can really stick to issues we can actually accomplish something on,” she explained.

Ocasio-Cortez has also been called out by some who have accused her of having a lack of knowledge on basic issues. She famously said the three branches of government are the presidency, House, and Senate. She has also been criticized for saying Congress members are inaugurated and sign laws.
