CNN photoshops Redskins logo off hat in old photo of Biden and son

Article 5f590633b967c#FactsFirst

In a noble quest to further halt Orange Man Bad’s march toward a second term, the thought police over at CNN have photoshopped a photo of Biden and his son, removing the Washington Redskins logo from the child’s hat. 


The Redskins (now creatively known as the “Washington Football Team“), have been embroiled by controversy in recent years, with some calling its name offensive to Native Americans.

A normal person would shake their heads at the inane display of political correctness imbued in such an act. Why would a company spend manpower and resources to doctor a photo in such a way? No one could possibly get offended over a historic photo portraying a team logo that existed just five minutes ago, right??


To understand the insanity, one must first understand the religion of Wokism. Adherents to this mystic faith, known as “Wokies” (not to be confused with the kinder, gentler “Wookies”), offer sacrifices of privilege and oppression at the altar of their god, the Woke Monster. The more they admit their guilt, highlight their victimhood, and vilify their foes, the more standing they are given in the eyes of the Monster’s prophets.
