Chuck Schumer Cancels October Votes, Sends Senate Home to Campaign

E7490ff2 d80b 4a9f a9af 8a36f4c4ef94The Democrats are really panicking. 

I have mixed feelings about this. First, it’s their job to be legislators, not to campaign for reelection. 

Then again, if they are not in D.C., they can’t make things worse. 

The U.S. Senate’s Democrat Majority Leader Chuck Schumer announced on Thursday afternoon that no more votes would take place in his chamber until November 14, effectively canceling the Senate’s October session and clearing members to head home for the final weeks of campaigning before November’s midterms.

Chad Pergram on Twitter: “Schumer announces no more votes in the Senate until after the midterms. Next vote at 5:30 pm et on November 14 / Twitter”

Schumer announces no more votes in the Senate until after the midterms. Next vote at 5:30 pm et on November 14

The move comes with fewer than 40 days until November’s general election and as Democrats and Republicans remain locked in tight races to determine which party will control the upper chamber starting in 2023.

It also means that the Senate will not be debating National Defense Authorization Act legislation as Schumer and his chamber intended to do next month — and it also raises questions if plans to do so were based on overly optimistic expectations for the incumbent Democrat senators facing GOP challengers this November.

Perhaps things are looking a little too close for comfort for Democrats in battleground states, and Schumer’s caucus told him they can’t afford to spend time doing the business of the Senate when they’re fighting for their political survival?

Jennifer Shutt on Twitter: “The Senate is gone through the midterm elections with Schumer announcing the next vote will be Nov. 14. This means the chamber won’t be debating the NDAA during the two weeks it was slated to be in session during October. / Twitter”

The Senate is gone through the midterm elections with Schumer announcing the next vote will be Nov. 14. This means the chamber won’t be debating the NDAA during the two weeks it was slated to be in session during October.
