Baltimore’s Homicide Rate Is Ten Times The National Average


When it comes to Baltimore being a haven of appalling violent crime, Trump’s not wrong.

The most recent homicide data from the FBI (2017) shows the city of Baltimore with a homicide rate of 55.8 per 100,000 population.That’s a homicide rate comparable to El Salvador (60 per 100,000) and Venezuela (56 per 100,000). Baltimore has more homicides per capita than Honduras, Guatemala, South Africa, and Brazil.

In other words, Baltimore’s homicide problem is worse than those in many of the world’s most violent countries.

In contrast, the US homicide rate in 2017 was 5.3 per 100,000 making Baltimore homicide rate ten times larger than that in the US overall.

Baltimore’s Homicide Rate Is Ten Times Larger than the US Rate

When it comes to Baltimore being a haven of appalling violent crime, Trump’s not wrong. Although it has strict gun control laws, Baltimore’s homicide rate is comparable to that of El Salvador and Venezuela.
