Antifa Calls For Violent Overthrow Of US Government On November 4…

I find it amazing that the actual fascists are the ones calling others fascists. It’s as if no one knows what Fabians and fascists even believe.

A picture of an Antifa pamphlet titled “Nov. 4 it begins… This Nightmare Must End: The Trump/Pence Regime Must Go!” was postedto Facebook yesterday.

Antifa and all of its angry liberals actually want to overthrow our elected government and the Constitution…

NewImage reported on their planned event back in early August and encouraged lunatics to “get involved” and find an event near them. They called their offer “an invitation to be a part of a bold plan to end the nightmare.”

The extremists rallies their supporters to spread the slogans and date to reach “far and wide,” using “posters, stickers, flyers, chalking, light projections, banner drops, radio call-ins, social media, church bulletins, announcements at events, and much, much more.”

A PDF file is linked to “distribute and publish the call for Nov. 4” “using posters, stickers, flyers, chalking, light projections, banner drops, radio call-ins, social media, church bulletins, announcements at events, and much, much more.”


Antifa links to shareable social media content and memes, and encourages the crazies to donate and raise funds.

They loudly announce, “In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!”
