Parler’s CEO just verbally uppercut the media for fake #ParlerHacked story.

Here is the fake news post: 

Right Wing Cope on Twitter: “BREAKING: There was just a #parlerhack, this was publicly available and unencrypted on their public API endpoint. Not sure what they’ve changed yet, although expect a ton of data shortly, we will post updates. #ParlerLeaks / Twitter”

BREAKING: There was just a #parlerhack, this was publicly available and unencrypted on their public API endpoint. Not sure what they’ve changed yet, although expect a ton of data shortly, we will post updates. #ParlerLeaks

An excellent retort: 

Jack Poso 🇺🇸 on Twitter: “Notice Twitter didn’t suspend anyone sharing that alleged Parler hack image, but suspended anyone who shared the Hunter Biden images even though there is *zero* evidence they were hacked / Twitter”

Notice Twitter didn’t suspend anyone sharing that alleged Parler hack image, but suspended anyone who shared the Hunter Biden images even though there is *zero* evidence they were hacked

And from John Matze, the co-founder and CEO of Parler: 

