Georgia Democratic Senate Candidate Warnock Slammed Military Service in Sermon: “You Cannot Serve God and the Military”

Matt Whitlock on Twitter: “Warnock: “You cannot serve God and the military” I have a feeling suggesting you can’t be a good person of faith AND serve in the military isn’t going to play well in Georgia. #GApol / Twitter”

Warnock: “You cannot serve God and the military” I have a feeling suggesting you can’t be a good person of faith AND serve in the military isn’t going to play well in Georgia. #GApol

Warnock employs a common liberal ploy where he takes a well-known verse from the Bible, Matthew 6:24 in this case, where Jesus clearly states that man cannot serve God and mammon, and changes it to mean whatever suits his own purposes at the time. A very easy internet search would show anyone who isn’t familiar with the term mammon that it basically means material wealth. You don’t need a seminary education to know that Warnock is taking this verse wildly out of context.

To compare the sacrifice of men and women in a US uniform to a sinful desire for material gain maaaaaaaaay not be so popular in a southern state like Georgia.–you-cannot-serve-god-and-the-military/
