CNN’s Don Lemon Claims Black-On-Black Violence Has Nothing To Do With Black Lives Matter

070720crewsAs I said in my OpEd, BLM doesn’t really care about black lives. If they did, they would focus on where the majority of blacks are killed. Not on the handful of deaths by the cops. 

Actor Terry Crews clashed with CNN’s Don Lemon last night during an exchange in which Lemon ludicrously asserted that black on black violence should have nothing to do with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Crews was targeted by the woke mob after he tweeted on July 4 the supposedly controversial opinion that not all white people were bad and not all black people were good.

Terry Crews on Twitter: “Are all white people bad?No.Are all black people good?No.Knowing this reality- I stand on my decision to unite with good people, no matter the race, creed or ideology.Given the number of threats against this decision- I also decide to die on this hill. / Twitter”

Are all white people bad?No.Are all black people good?No.Knowing this reality- I stand on my decision to unite with good people, no matter the race, creed or ideology.Given the number of threats against this decision- I also decide to die on this hill.

Terry Crews on Twitter: “#ALLBLACKLIVESMATTER9 black CHILDREN killed by violence in Chicago since June 20, 2020 / Twitter”

ALLBLACKLIVESMATTER9 black CHILDREN killed by violence in Chicago since June 20, 2020
