President Trump’s Food Stamp Overhaul Will Save Taxpayers Billions


A new study has shown President Trump’s proposal to overhaul the nation’s food stamp program could save U.S. taxpayers upwards of $15 billion. The Urban Institute’s new study looks at the president’s proposal, which aims to enact tighter qualifying restrictions for individuals receiving the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP).

Urban Institute on Twitter: “Analysis: If implemented, the administration’s proposed package of SNAP rules during 2019 will significantly alter the program, which has a proven track record of reducing both poverty & food insecurity. / Twitter”

Analysis: If implemented, the administration’s proposed package of SNAP rules during 2019 will significantly alter the program, which has a proven track record of reducing both poverty & food insecurity.

The move would reportedly render approximately 3.7 million Americans ineligible for food stamps. The White House said many of those individuals do not need the federal assistance. The Trump administration cited America’s strong economy and low unemployment rates as part of the reason for this.

“President Trump’s administration is reinforcing the ideals of self-sufficiently and personal responsibility,” stated acting Deputy DHS Secretary Ken Cuccinelli.

SNAP reached its peak back in 2013 under the Obama administration, when almost 47.7 million Americans received food stamp benefits. The number was reduced slightly to about 46 million by 2015.

“Under the last administration, jobs were not exactly what you would call plentiful,” said President Trump. “10 million people had been added to the food stamp rolls.”

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: “Sad. Our food stamp rolls now surpass the entire population of Spain We must do better or we will be Greece. / Twitter”

Sad. Our food stamp rolls now surpass the entire population of Spain We must do better or we will be Greece.
