California Wants To Teach Your Kids That Capitalism Is Racist

Capitalism is racist. 

Marxism is not racist. 

Marxism is right. 

The state of California is taking a page out of Malcom X’s book to ensure that future generations of students know that capitalism is an inherently ‘racist’ – and just as bad as the patriarchy, white supremacy and ‘ableism,’ according to a recent Op-Ed by Stanford University Hoover Institution research fellow Williamson M. Evers. 

At issue – the state’s Department of Education has solicited public comments on a new “Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum” until Aug. 15, which will dictate how public school teachers can instruct their students in the field of “ethnic studies.” It was created by an advisory board of teachers, academics and bureaucrats – and “It’s as bad as you imagine,” writes Evers. 

Ethnic studies is described in the document as “the interdisciplinary study of race, ethnicity, and indigeneity with an emphasis on experiences of people of color in the United States.” But that’s not all it is. “It is the study of intersectional and ancestral roots, coloniality, hegemony, and a dignified world where many worlds fit, for present and future generations.” It is the “xdisciplinary [sic], loving, and critical praxis of holistic humanity.”

The document is filled with fashionable academic jargon like “positionalities,” “hybridities,” “nepantlas” and “misogynoir.” It includes faddish social-science lingo like “cis-heteropatriarchy” that may make sense to radical university professors and activists but doesn’t mean much to the regular folks who send their children to California’s public schools. It is difficult to comprehend the depth and breadth of the ideological bias and misrepresentations without reading the whole curriculum—something few will want to do.

  1. Begin with economics. Capitalism is described as a “form of power and oppression,” alongside “patriarchy,” “racism,” “white supremacy” and “ableism.” Capitalism and capitalists appear as villains several times in the document. –WSJ

Robby Starbuck on Twitter: “California is turning public schools into political brainwashing centers. They’re going to teach far left ideology to kids as fact and if you have a kid who won’t go along with it… How’ll they be graded or ostracized?So glad we left the insane asylum known as California. / Twitter”

California is turning public schools into political brainwashing centers. They’re going to teach far left ideology to kids as fact and if you have a kid who won’t go along with it… How’ll they be graded or ostracized?So glad we left the insane asylum known as California.

