Allegations against Democrats and Republicans

1 rumor
2 reporter researches
3 works with backfielder editor
4 sent to copy editor group
5 then sent to 3rd or 4th editor
6 for big fish, run by honcho upstairs
7 who may scan & delegate to assistant
8 publish

1 rumor
2 publish

Razor on Twitter: “ALLEGATION AGAINST DEMOCRAT1 rumor2 reporter researches3 works with backfielder editor4 sent to copy editor group5 then sent to 3rd or 4th editor6 for big fish, run by honcho upstairs7 who may scan & delegate to assistant8 publishALLEGATION AGAINST GOP1 rumor2 publish / Twitter”

ALLEGATION AGAINST DEMOCRAT1 rumor2 reporter researches3 works with backfielder editor4 sent to copy editor group5 then sent to 3rd or 4th editor6 for big fish, run by honcho upstairs7 who may scan & delegate to assistant8 publishALLEGATION AGAINST GOP1 rumor2 publish
