Wash. Post: ‘Republicans in Idaho tried to design a better plan than Obamacare, and failed’

This is wrong on so many levels. The Feds, with a gun to the heads of the States, said that Idaho needed to either make all its citizens fall into line and buy Obamacare, or Idaho had to come up with its own solution. Obamacare has been an abysmal failure. So have the state options. But the states are faulted. Obamacare given a by. 

The Washington Post today has an in-depth look at Idaho’s experience with Obamacare and health care reform, as a microcosm of what’s going on nationwide. It’s headlined, “Republicans in Idaho tried to design a better plan than Obamacare – and failed.” You can read it here.

“Idaho serves as an example of what could happen in states across the country if Congress, with the support of President Trump, repeals the Affordable Care Act,” writes reporter Robert Samuels. “Many of the proposals to replace the federal law call for states to come up with their own health-care solutions, to be ‘laboratories for innovation.’ But that doesn’t mean states will take up that challenge. Even if they do, it doesn’t mean they will succeed.”

1 thought on “Wash. Post: ‘Republicans in Idaho tried to design a better plan than Obamacare, and failed’”

  1. Scott Dredge

    If ‘Obamacare has been an abysmal failure’ it sure is puzzling that Republicans who now control the White House, Congress, and soon the Supreme Court are in no hurry to repeal it as they ‘promised’.

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