Congress’ Approval Drops to 18%, Trump’s Steady at 41%


After hitting 20-year highs in AprilandMay, Americans’ approval of Congress continues itsdownward slide to 18%. The last time congressional approval was below 20% was in September 2019.

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Presidential Approval Rating Stable

As Americans’ approval of Congress drops, President Donald Trump’s approval rating has been steady near 40% in June and July. Still, the current 41% remains well below the 49% earlier this year when the economy was in good shape, and Trump was enjoying a post-impeachment bounce.


Line graph. Job approval ratings of President Donald Trump since January 2019

The 87-percentage-point gap in Trump’s approval rating between Republicans (91%) and Democrats (4%) remains among the highest measured by Gallup, exceeded only by the 89-point gap in June.
