Sex scandals fester at unhealthy organizations, experts say

NewImageThis is pretty bold, the AP calling the Roman Catholic Church out as being an unhealthy organization. 

It’s calling a spade a spade, but it’s still gutsy of the AP. 

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – Of all the horrific details contained in the Pennsylvania grand jury report on child sexual abuse in the Catholic Church, one sentence stands out: “The main thing was not to help children, but to avoid ‘scandal.’”

When sex-abuse cases dominate headlines, a familiar pattern often emerges. If it took place at a large organization – be it a church, a large state university or a group such as USA Gymnastics – misconduct is often covered up in hopes of saving the institution’s reputation, and the money that accompanies it.

Why is the role of institutions so powerful? Because they command emotion. They inspire loyalty. And they have established ways of doing things that rev up when problems surface.
